
Mental Health Awareness Week 🧠

Mental Health Awareness Week 🧠

10th May 2021

This week is Mental Health Awareness week 10th – 16th May 2021. 🧠

With the aim to raise awareness of mental health problems and the services available to support people, the year’s theme set by The Mental Health Foundation will be focusing on nature. 💚 Hertfordshire, Mid Essex and West Essex IAPT Services are providing free programme of online activities including -

📅 Monday - Mindfulness Nature Walk (self-help video)

📅 Tuesday - Mindfulness: dealing with negative thoughts webinar 10:00am

📅 Wednesday - How to cope with stress webinar 11:00am

📅 Thursday - Nature and Wellbeing (self-help video)

📅 Friday - Relaxation and nature webinar 1pm

To sign up click here.

 For more information about the free activities during Mental Health Awareness Week and register for our live webinars click here